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Metalsmith is an award winning publication available in print and digitally.
Search and view work by the members of SNAG. Above: 上韩国网站梯子
Metalsmith is an award winning publication available in print and digitally.
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Handouts from the 20th Century, a collection of teaching aids created and or gathered by J. Fred Woell during his 20 years of teaching. This booklet is only available through SNAG -- own a piece of history! Proceeds go to SNAG, with a portion t...
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The Jewelry and Metals Survey (JAMS) is the Society of North American Goldsmith's annual juried publication of jewelry and metals in contemporary art, architecture, craft, and design created in the previous year by emerging and established artists...
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It was just over a month ago that the Board of Directors appointed me as Interim President, a position I am honored to step into despite current challenges. The global pandemic and our ongoing financial instability has affected our organization in significant ways.
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We are excited to announce the upcoming publication of SNAG's newest Jewelry and Metals Survey! Pre-order your copy today, or order all three books (2017-2023) at a special price.
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